Dried ginger and ginger efficacy difference

Both ginger and dried ginger are derived from the ginger plant, ginger. It is not difficult to understand. Its fresh rhizomes are called ginger, and dried or dried are dried ginger. Dried ginger or fresh ginger, the effect is different.

Ginger is not only a commonly used condiment, but also has high medicinal value. Chinese medicine believes that ginger is warm and pungent in nature, and has the functions of releasing, dispelling cold, relieving vomiting, and detoxifying.

Ginger has been regarded as a good medicine for health care and treatment since ancient times. Pound ginger on gauze and stick it on acupoints such as knees and eyes on both sides and Dazhui to treat malaria; pound 45 grams of ginger and 30 grams of brown sugar into a paste, and take it 3 times a day to treat acute Bacillary dysentery; applying sliced ​​ginger to the scrotum can treat acute orchitis. In addition, ginger can also be used for the first aid of poisoning such as Pinellia, Aconitum, Naoyang Hua, Cassava, Baibu, etc., as well as the treatment of motion sickness and pregnancy vomiting. Ginger can be taken orally in decoction or smashed juice, and it can also be used externally, smashed for application, rubbed on the affected area or hot and ironed on the affected area. Note: Contraindicated for those with yin deficiency and internal heat.


Modern pharmacological studies have shown that ginger has antibacterial, anticancer, antioxidative and antiaging effects, and its unique “gingerol” can effectively treat abdominal distension, abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting and other symptoms caused by eating cold and cold foods. In addition, ginger can increase appetite and promote the secretion of digestive juice; gingerol in ginger also has a strong choleretic effect.

Dried ginger
Dried ginger, also known as white ginger and all ginger, is dried or dried ginger. Dried ginger is hot in nature and pungent in taste, and has the effect of warming the middle and dispelling cold, returning Yang and dredging the pulse. “Pearl Sac” records: “Dried ginger has four uses: the first is to clear the heart and yang; the second is to remove the viscera and the cold and the cold; the third is to release the cold energy of the meridians; the fourth is to treat the cold and abdominal pain.”

The famous “Tongmai Sini Decoction” is a combination of dried ginger, aconite, and licorice. It is specially used to treat Shaoyin disease, which is characterized by cold inside and outside heat, hand and foot reversal, faint pulse, red complexion, etc.; For vomiting, it can be ground with Zhigancao to make a thick powder, decocted in water and taken hot; for the treatment of persistent vomiting in pregnancy, it can be taken with ginseng, Pinellia and ginger juice as paste pills. The usual amount of dried ginger for oral administration is 1.5-4.5 grams, and it can also be ground into powder and used externally to treat carbuncle. Note: Contraindicated for those with yin deficiency and internal heat and blood heat recklessly; pregnant women should take it with caution.

Dried ginger

Modern pharmacological studies have shown that the methanol or ether extracts of dried ginger have sedative, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antiemetic and transiently increasing blood pressure; water extracts or volatile oils can significantly prolong the time of thrombosis; alcohol extracts and their Containing gingerol and gingerenone, it has significant molluscicide and anti-schistosomiasis effects.

    Dried ginger and ginger efficacy difference